All of this because you received vital support in the moments that matter, support that had not truly existed in this way before Stellus Rx.
Proven results that stem from proven answers.
Stellus Rx combines teams, technologies and trust to change the trajectory of health—and costs—for individuals and at-risk employee populations.
Life gets better for your employees when Stellus Rx is a part of it.
Connecting the moments that matter.
From providing clarity about medications during times of new diagnoses … to helping with medication affordability … to serving as an extra set of expert eyes to make sure multiple medications are working together correctly, we’ve helped patients overcome tens of thousands of obstacles on their way to better health.

You are known here.
Each month—and really, whenever you need it—you can connect with your pharmacy team to address any medication questions and work together on improving your health.

Built for your life.
We can pre-sort and package your medications and deliver them right to your door. And we’ll synchronize all your medications so they refill at the same time each month.

Optimizing your health.
You can turn to us for education, support and problem-solving with anything related to your medications. Think of us as a member of your care team who’s always on your side.